So, sick is good, right?
I'm so not cool.
I don't even get this.
Wait, is cool still cool?

...and in Maryland, there may soon be one.
Saw this on the way home the other night. Four cop cars and the fire dept. I didn't see any ambulances. But the way the vehicles looked, at least one ambulance had to be called.
This guy was speeding, tailgating and weaving in and out of traffic on Rosedale the other morning. Where's a cop when you need one? (at Costco I guess). Isn't it illegal not to have a rear license plate?
I had to add this. My husband HATES Tony Stewart. He won't even let me shop at Home Depot because they're a sponsor.
I'm no Nascar fan, but my husband is. And he's a HUGE Kevin Harvick fan. AND Harvick is a hometown boy so what could be better than Harvick winning at Daytona on Sunday, the kick off of the 2007 Nascar season?
How surprising, CatMan, that you of ALL people would lose your temper at fellow drivers. Why I can hardly believe it!
I had to go to the pharmacy this morning on my way to work. It was foolish, I know. But if everything had worked out, I wouldn't have been late.
If you've ever driven north on Interstate 5, you will recognize the dullness, the monotony...
This was the first time I'd seen THIS (or should I say THESE?) on the freeway.
Dear "Mad,"
Ok, I know anyone who reads this blog thinks I have some kind of obsession w/Rosedale Highway, but I swear the road is a cursed, evil thing. And now I have proof.