Driving I5
If you've ever driven north on Interstate 5, you will recognize the dullness, the monotony...

Oh, look! Kettleman City!

If these orchards are any indication, citrus will be VERY expensive this year!

My husband and I were out a couple years ago w/friends who speak Spanish. They told us Panoche was slang for, uh, well, a negative term used about wimpy men that also refers to a female body part. ANYHOO, every time we drive by Panoche Road we giggle like a couple of 13-year-old boys making armpit fart noises.

Not only is there a Panoche Road, there's a LITTLE Panoche Road AND Panoche River. Anyway, it breaks up the motonony for us...

If these orchards are any indication, citrus will be VERY expensive this year!

My husband and I were out a couple years ago w/friends who speak Spanish. They told us Panoche was slang for, uh, well, a negative term used about wimpy men that also refers to a female body part. ANYHOO, every time we drive by Panoche Road we giggle like a couple of 13-year-old boys making armpit fart noises.

Not only is there a Panoche Road, there's a LITTLE Panoche Road AND Panoche River. Anyway, it breaks up the motonony for us...

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