There outta be a law...
...and in Maryland, there may soon be one.
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) ‹ Fake bull testicles and other anatomically explicit vehicle decorations would be banned from Maryland roads under a bill pending in the state legislature.
The measure was filed in the General Assembly Monday by Delegate LeRoy E.
Myers Jr., who says children shouldn¹t be exposed to giant plastic gonads dangling from pickup truck trailer hitches. The bill also would ban displaying images of naked human breasts, buttocks or genitals, with offenses punishable by fines of up to $500.
"It's time to take a stand," Myers told The (Hagerstown) Herald-Mail.
The American Civil Liberties Union objected to Myers' bill.
"The legislation is overly broad, and would probably make it illegal to have a sticker on your car of the Venus de Milo from an art museum," ACLU of Maryland spokeswoman Meredith Curtis wrote in an e-mail.
Pamela Campbell, whose Bullhead City, Ariz., business sells fake bull testicles, suggested that the swinging decorations can prompt healthy discussions about anatomy and reproduction.
"Do we have to neuter all dogs that walk by us?" she asked. "Where does it stop?"
Last week, Arizona's legislature rejected a measure that would have banned vehicle splash guards bearing racist terms or silhouettes of naked women.
Yes. I can see how this item swinging from the trailer hitch of the dude in front of you on the freeway would promote a "healthy discussion of anatomy and reproduction" with your kids while driving to go see grandma. It's a great country, isn't it?

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