
Monday, July 04, 2005

No respect for lefties

So, a couple weeks ago, a gentleman friend took me to lunch. He was driving.

He always drives. No one else ever drives his rig and he doesn't cotton to the passenger much at all, even in someone else's rig. In fact, we nearly had to call a divorce attorney after a road trip in MY rig because he was such a poor passenger. And, OK, I'll admit it...when I'm driving MY rig, I don't cotton to anyone else telling me how to do it.

But I digress.

There we were in HIS rig (which is a huge, brand new truck, I might add, very hard to miss). We were at a double left hand turn signal, in the outside lane.

Light turned green, we proceeded into the intersection, only to have some yahoo in some cheesey SUV who was in the INSIDE lane, cut into our lane (no blinker, of course!).

OK, we thought, maybe Mr. Yahoo has to make a quick exit off this street and just forgot to get in the correct lane. Nope. He stayed in our lane, tooling down the road for six or eight blocks. So, why, we wondered, did he need so BADLY do be in our lane that he had to nearly cause an accident.

No answer.

Same trip. We were on our way back from lunch (suishi w/a side of terriaki chicken, yum!) and, again we were in the oustide lane of a double left. And AGAIN (I swear I'm not making this up!) another member of the Yahoo clan who was in the inside lane cut us off (blinker? course not, silly!) and scurried into our lane. And AGAIN it wasn't so he could make a quick exit.

Clearly it was a case of my badcarma hitching a ride to lunch.


Yes, it's been a while since I've written. Get over it.

My GOD! Bad drivers are EVERYWHERE!

Even in our letters to the editor where one gentleman wrote recently about people cutting him off to get to an offramp. I've seen these people too. I've always wondered what the hell they were thinking. They wait until the last minute and then zoom right in front of you (usually no blinker, see previous post) and you have to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident.

Well, this letter writer wonders no more. He said he follows the cutter-offer to a stoplight or stop sign and then gets out of his car and walks up to their window to ASK them what the hell they were thinking! That's a bit beyond my anger realm. Actual confrontation? No way. I prefer to gripe safely from a distance. Besides, what kind of satisfactory answer could you expect from a cutter-offer?

"Why yes, now that you point it out, I do have my head up my ass! Thank you so much, kind sir for taking the time to bring this information to my attention!"

I think you'd more than likely just get a two-word answer, the first staring with F and the second starting with Y.