What a day!
The ultimate badcarma!
I did errands at lunch and went to Snider's bicycle shop to see if they had any good saddle bags because mine are either too small or too big (the big one broke my tail light off the other day). They had some good bags, but $50 each so I wanted to wait to see if Larry would use my old stuff before plunking down $100 bucks.
So, I left and pulled onto Niles Street to cross Union Ave., get onto 178 and come back to work. I was watching an incredibly fat woman in pajama pants, a sport bra and fluffy slippers cross in front of me, thinking, now that's Bakersfield when I looked up and saw that the light had turned green. I put the "monster" truck in gear and pulled forward. Suddenly, I heard brakes screeching very nearby. I slammed on my brakes just as a woman pulled in front of me.
WHAM! I smacked into the right front side of her car.
We pulled to the side of the road. My front end was crunched and steam was coming out of the radiator. Some monster truck. Her little Nissan had some fender damage and the tire was kind of kattywhampus, but otherwise not that much damage. My big aggressive 4wd, meanwhile looked like a beer can after Bubba smooshed it on his forehead.
The other woman, Joan, was pretty cool saying she ran the red and all (which she did). But we'll see what happens when the insurance companies start duking it out. No one was injured and we could both pull off the road, so we didn't call the cops. Other people have since said that was a mistake. Probably was on my part. We'll see.
Anyway, so I guess I should have bought the saddle bags I liked because, hell, I'm pretty much on the "monster" bike for at least the next month! Here's a pic of the sad truck outside the shop.

Oh, one cool thing, the owner of the shop gave me a ride back to work in his semi-restored vintage Corvair...I'll try and get a pic of it tomorrow when I go back to look for my card key since it and everything else in my purse flew out all over the floorboards on impact!.
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