Bakersfield slogan...

One more thing, real quick.
The slogan I photographed plastered on the beat up van (it's NOT LatinaLoisLane's cousin's van, by the way, despite what she says!) is going to be in the news.
Apparently a group of disgruntled (or just unemployed?) artists are getting together tonight 5:30 p.m., 6/15/06, and demonstrating at the courthouse downtown against the "Bakersfield: Live as it Should Be" slogan. One of their rallying points is that we have the worst air in the nation and that's not really how life should be. They will be satirizing the slogan.
They also said they'll be in costume in keeping with the satirical nature of the rally, whatever that means. I can't be there, but hopefully someone will get photos I can use.
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