
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Our last good slogan

I hadn't seen a license plate holder like this before. Wonder where he got it?
"Bakersfield: Sun Fun Stay Play" was an actual sign city folk put up along I-5 years ago to encourage relocation to our lovely berg.

Now we have, "Bakersfield: Life as it should be."

Both are incredibly lame.

But at least the Stay. Play. one came with one of the greatest all time "Jetson" type signs ever.

(I got this photo off The Bakersfield Californian's "Lost Treasures" site, by the way. You should visit it, it's way cool.
A few people have coined variations of the slogan.

"Bakersfield: Come on vacation, stay on probation" which, sadly, happens more often than one might think!
And my friend Amy mentions one on her blog
"Bakersfield: Sun, Work, Fog, Dirt" which also pretty much sums it up!


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