
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Refreshing jerk

I was riding home the other night and it must have still been in the 90s. I was on a super busy road and was on the wrong side, technically, headed toward traffic, rather than with it. I did it because I had to turn left pretty soon and figured it would be easier riding that way.

The road, three lanes in each direction, was clear. An old style El Camino appeared and was headed toward me. He was on the inside lane initially but quickly pulled to the outside lane, the one closest to me. I could see the guy, a teen or early 20s. As he got closer he pulled even closer to me, getting a tire into the bike lane even. I tried to edge over away from him and as he passed me, I felt a spray of cold water. I looked back and he was pumping his fist out of his open window.

What the...? Then I figured it out, he sprayed me with his windshield washer spray! What a jerk! He came within less than a FOOT of me so he could pull his little funny! I couldn't believe it!

Then was hot that day...


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