What does stop and go mean to you?
I totally forgot about this!
I was driving down, you guessed it, Rosedale Highway a couple weeks ago and got rear ended.
It was stop and go traffic, as usual on a Saturday and I was stopped behind a load of cars. I look in my rearview mirror and see a dude in a gold-colored SUV coming up on me FAST. I didn't think he'd have time to stop. So (having left a considerable space between me and the car in front of me) I pulled forward a little to give the maniac behind me enough time to look up from whatever CD he was putting in to notice that "Hey I'm driving!"
So the lunk head HITS me! Nothing major, just a tap really, but I couldn't believe it.
We pull to the side and I have zero damage to my bumper. He has a ding on his front bumper. So I go to his window --he didn't bother getting out of his car and kept his stereo blasting and the DVD on full tilt for the kids in the back -- and tell him about the damage situation.
He says to me: "Well you stopped and then you started to go and then you stopped again, there was nothing I could do."
I said: "What did you say?"
He said: "You stopped and then you went and then you stopped again."
I said: "Uh, yeah, there was traffic stopped in front of me, I kind of had to stop."
He said: "Well, there was nothing I could do."
I said: "Soooooo, you're saying it was my fault that you rear ended me?"
He shrugged and I walked off saying under my breath but loud enough for him to hear, "What a freakin asshole!"
I should have grabbed my neck and started hollering about whiplash and then he could have learned the hard truth that, if you rear end someone - IT'S ALWAYS YOUR FAULT!!!
Had to get that off my chest.
Good one!
But I was late for an appointment...at the...um....libation emporium...
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