
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hurry up and wait

Going to work the other morning was a complete nightmare.

Construction on the main highway (which I've complained about before because of a total lack of planning on the part of government in this burg!) made it impossible to go my normal route.

Unfortunately, just like me, every other car on the highway was turning off to avoid the construction.

So, it was a cluster fuck pretty much all the way in.

I noticed, however, the more crowded it got, the more people were trying to cut in front of one another. Why? It's not going to get you anywhere any faster. It's just as crowded and the light is just as red if you're one car up or one car back.

But I could feel the tension and competition rising in my own chest as traffic would get going and if I didn't tailgate the guy in front of me, and I mean RIGHT ON HIS ASS, some idiot would be trying to cut in front of me.

So it happened a couple times and then the last time I know I'm about to make the light and suddenly this asshole in a white Mercedes appears on my right and he's trying to gun past me into the four foot space between me and the other asshole who just cut in front of me.

I looked over at him and he glanced at me and I shouted, "Not today MOTHERFUCKER!" and gunned it to the light about 2 inches off the bumper of the guy in front of me.

Mr. White Mercedes didn't like that. But he made the light and then kept on my ass on that road until he had to turn off.

By the time I got to work I wanted to murder someone!

If that happens, I'm going to blame Caltrans, the city and the county roads departments for such shitty transportation planning that someone just NEEDED killin'!


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