
Friday, March 18, 2005

Really? Is it me?

I was on my way home tonight after a fruitful shopping excursion with a friend to the local mall. Yes, this is how I happily spent my Friday night. I had an invite to a going away party for a co-worker. But, uh, that just wasn't gonna happen....long story.

Cruising down the very busy road to my house (it's actually considered a highway) I saw an SUV a very short distance ahead of me pulling out from a sideroad. He didn't stop to look for oncoming traffic. He didn't even pause actually, not even a California stop, just whipped right onto the highway in front of me.

The lane next to me was free and totally open. But of course the guy pulls into my lane at 20 mph when I (and everyone else on the road!) was tooling along at about 50 mph.

Classic! I stomped on my brakes and flipped my brights on to let him know how much I appreciated his thoughtful courtesy. He speeded up right away and I could have just stayed behind him until my turn. But I had to see what he looked like!

I cut into the other lane and revved up until I was alongside him at a stoplight. Actually, I'd been thinking it was a woman the whole time (very sexist of me, I guess). He was not only a he, but an old guy at that. Maybe in his mid- to late-60s. And he had a vanity plate.

I don't think I mentioned this but the lady who wanted to rumble with me at the mall on Valentine's day also had a vanity plate. Could it be...?

Either they're both part of a bad driver family or perhaps she's initiated a conspiracy to get me....because, it couldn't just be me!


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