
Thursday, March 10, 2005

Yet another incident

A couple days ago I was rushing to a meeting my company had outside the office (yes, I actually have a real job).

The meeting was at the county library.

As I said, I was late. So I tried to find the closest parking place in the lot. What I found was a spot next to a shiny black Escalade that was pulled into its space backward. There was a woman in the Escalade reading a book.

I parked and was walking past her window when she rolled it down and said, "Hi."
"Uh, hi," I said back.
"So, all the parking spots here and you gotta pull this thing in next to me?!" she yelled as I kept walking.
I was a bit stunned by her outrage and looked quickly at my parking job, not always my strong suit. But this time I had parked in the lines, not too close to the cars on either side.

"Uh, this IS a public parking lot," I said and kept walking.
"Have a nice DAYYYYYY!" she screeched.

I related the exchange to my co-workers inside the library and they had WAY better come backs.
Such as:
"Yes, I did have to park there, GOD told me to," and then roll your eyes crazily.


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