
Thursday, March 10, 2005

So there I was...

Minding my own business, driving to the mall to meet the girls for a quick Clinque gift-with-purchase run.
I was in the turn lane headed into the mall. It's a double turn lane and there was a car next to me. The light turned green and we pulled out. Then the crash test dummy next to me pulls into my lane, no blinker, no honkin, no "kiss my ass" nothing. I slam on the brakes and cuss her (it turned out to be a her).

Of COURSE, she goes to the same parking area I'm headed to. And she goes in the wrong way and causes a big jam up because she wants to get to the parking place as close to the building as possible. I lay on the horn, to no avail.

Of COURSE the cut-off woman walks up to the same store I'm headed to.

So, I prepare to just ignore her and be above it all (who am I kidding?).

As I opened the door, I glanced back at her and she got a big old prune look on her face and said, "I can't believe SOME people!" (meaning me, I supposed)

We walked into RobinsonMay at the same time and in the foray I say to her, "Hey, you cut ME off! You nearly caused an accident!"

Jerk lady: "I was in the turn lane, you weren't"
Me: "You need to pay attention when you're behind the wheel lady, that was a double turn lane and you cut me off."
Jerk lady: "Ok, so I didn't pay attention, big deal."
Me: "Uh, yeah, if we'd wrecked it would have been a big damn deal and it would have been your fault."
Jerk lady: "Happy Valentine's DAY!!!"
Me: "SHUT UP!"

Oh, did I mention the jerk lady was like 60-plus years old and was escorting her elderly mother?


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