
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Speed demon

My mom and dad bought a Volkswagen square back years ago and my sister and I inherited it as our first car.

That thing wasn't a great car in the first place and we ran it into the ground.

It was bright yellow and we were pretty embarrassed to be seen in it. I wish we'd had the talent and the cojones to just go with it, like these youngsters!

These AREN'T trees

I can't believe the developers who put these in got away with this.

We're actually SUPPOSED to have a tree ordinance in this burg so parking lots aren't total frying pans in the summer.

But then someone bozo figured out he could plant Oleander BUSHES and just cut them to look like trees and that'd be good.

Here's a refresher on tree vs. shrub:




Note the difference in that the tree provides a much sought after commodity known as SHADE.