
Sunday, May 15, 2005

Where's the fire?

Ok, last item for today.

I was coming back from a workout at 6 a.m. the other day on a VERY busy road. It's pretty wide open at that time of day, however.

Up ahead I saw a fire truck trying to pull out from the station, which is on a very very busy corner.

(Don't get me started on the appalling lack of foresight on the part of our local planners/politicians for not recognizing the need for a new fire station as they've approved massive development upon massive development for this area. A new station is apparently going up, but the fire department had to actually FIGHT for it!)

But at 6 a.m. the roads were pretty empty. So I slowed up and stopped a good ways away from the fire truck so it could turn right or left out of the house. It clearly was in emergency mode, light flasahing, siren wailing.

But two other cars went right on by after I had stopped. They didn't even SLOW DOWN!!!!
A guy who'd been behind me pulled over to pass, saw the truck and kind of slowed, then sped up, then finally stopped at the last minute next to me.

The driver, Mr. Speedypants, was flinging his hands around, gesturing at the fire truck, obviously peeved at having to stop.

Did I mention it was 6 A.M.??!!! Who's in that big a rush that early? And there's a traffic light RIGHT after the fire house so it's a good chance he would have had to stop anyway. But this was just too much for Mr. Speedypants. And he was letting everyone know about it!

I couldn't help but wonder as I looked over at SP, "Hey, buddy," I thought, "where's the fire?"


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