It's people like this...
Just another day on Rosedale Highway.
I've gotten used to people cutting in front of me (because, as you know, I usually leave more than one car length between me and the person in front of me.)
But this morning, this mad minivan mom was just out of control. I was at a stoplight, it turned green, we all set out, nose to tail. Even though there wasn't more than six feet separating the car in front of me, this mad minivan mom tries cram in front of me. It was so close I actually honked at her!
A little further down the road, here she comes again. The photo below show her pulling in front of me. The photo doesn' t do justice to how close she was.
Oh, and she was a total tailgater too.
I got ahead of her again and as she passed me I tried to get a shot of her because she was a classic stressed out mom, hunched over, gripping the wheel, looking intently ahead, a cell phone clenched between her shoulder and her ear.
But alas, I just got the van speeding past.
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