
Monday, September 18, 2006

Badcarma travels with me

I was kicked off a driving range the other day. (Get it? Driving range? Bad "driving" carma?)

No lie.
I'd made an appointment for a golf lesson, but had to miss it because my boss called me into a meeting and it ran over.
I called the lady and apologized as soon as I could get to a phone and she was pretty mean about it. So, of course, I reacted to her rudness by saying with some exasperation, "It's not like I'm self employed! I can't just walk out on my boss!"
Apparently, that was the wrong thing to do.
I compounded my error by going to the driving range thinking I'd just hit some balls and maybe smooth things over with her.
Boy was I wrong.
She was there, arms crossed over her chest GLARING at me when I walked up.
So I handed her a $20, asked for tokens for the balls and as she angrily slapped my change down on the counter I foolishly said, "Why don't you keep that as a cancellation fee."
She went OFF!!!
She yelled that she wasn't going to take my money and on and on, followed me out to the ball machine and shoved the money in my hand.
As she walked back into her little trailer, I said to myself, "Boy, someone's in need of some people skills."

She came barrelling back out, "I HEARD THAT!"
She said she wasn't rude to me on the phone and that other people in the room with her concurred she wasn't rude and why on earth would I schedule a meeting with my boss anyway knowing I had a golf lesson coming up, blah blah blah.
She went back in and, again, I said to myself, "Wow."
Out she came again with a $20 in her hand and told me I wasn't allowed to make comments about her like that and I should leave.
I tried to reason with her and she called her husband over.
He tried to be calm about things and explain their policies when someone misses a lesson.
She starts hollering and saying I came in and slapped my money down and demanded a jumbo basket of balls and I was only offering a cancellation fee "to make a POINT!"
Man, I thought, I gotta get out of here.
So I said I understood their policies, but I didn't appreciate being treated so rudely. I was just trying to make amends, I was sorry I missed the lesson, it couldn't be avoided and clearly there was a personality problem here and I was just going to leave.

So I went to Riverlakes and hit balls there instead. It's nicer anyway. But less convenient than the other place.

I've been agonizing over that little event for several days now wondering about my intentions and whether my tone was wrong. It probably was. Clearly I deserved what I got.


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