Flying by the seat of my pants
So sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Been in and out of town.
Most recently I flew to Columbia, MO for some work training.
I went from LAX to St. Louis. From there, grabbed a serious puddle jumper into Columbia. The plane was a tiny prop that couldn't even take on all the luggage we brought. There were a bunch of exchange students from Holland who the pilot had to have his picture taken with and I don't even think we got above the cloud deck all the way there.
Nonetheless, we did make it to Columbia Regional Airport, which I think, consisted of a trailer and a small brick building. I laughed at the time...

On the way back, it was after the latest terrorist plot and so I was worried how much hassle it would be. But the teeny Columbia Regional Airport turned out to be a total blessing. Checked my baggage through to LAX with no problems at all and didn't have to wait in any terrible lines.
It was really a great trip. No hassles there or back. Well, unless you count the airport bus at LAX being a half hour late and then getting stuck in LA traffic on the way back to Bako (3 and a half hour trip!) But it was OK as I'd picked up "Marley and Me" in the St. Louis airport and so I had something good to read!
Here's the CRA and the picture snappin' pilot still chatting up the gals from Holland.

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