Bike path mayhem
The bike path has had a hell of a summer so far. Fires, suicides, drownings, an alleged kidnapping! Crazy stuff.
While I was gone Del's spot burned up. Fire Dept. says it was cables from the nearby power line that somehow sparked the grass fire. Hmmmmm. I looked, the cables are pretty far off the ground...
Anyway, Del's spot is all burned up. I saw him a week ago one day when I rode in. I asked him about all the crazy stuff that had been happening right around and ON TOP OF his spot. He seemed very confused and kept asking "When did that happen?" When I got to the fire he said it was like that when he showed up one day. He had NOTHING to do with it. I thought his denials were interesting since I never even ASKED if he knew how it started....hmmmm.
Here's his burned up spot.
And here are a couple shots of the power line whose cables somehow sparked the fire from WAAAAAAY up in the air...hmmmm...

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